Utterly Loved Hit Number One on Amazon Best Seller List

One day after release, Utterly Loved with Foreword by Sylvain Reynard is a #1 Amazon Best Seller.

Thank you for all your tremendous support.  Due to your enthusiasm and excitement for Utterly Loved and the charities it champions, it currently sits at #1 for Love Poems and hit #4 for Poetry on the Amazon Hot New Releases Best Seller Lists.

Your spirit of giving during the holiday season is making this possible.  I hope Utterly Loved continues to inspire such selfless acts of love.

Please see the Utterly Loved page on the sidebar under menu for more information on Utterly Loved, the charities it supports, and links for you to purchase.

Thank you for your amazing generosity.

Your humble shoe,

~ Kat

3 thoughts on “Utterly Loved Hit Number One on Amazon Best Seller List

  1. dml67 says:

    That is great news Kat, congratulations – I can’t wait to get my copy from Amazon so I can be further enriched by your inspiring words, plus share with my friends for Christmas stockings 🙂


  2. Valerie G says:

    Thank you forr being you


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