New Year’s Resolutions, Romance Writing, and the Death Knell of Social Media…

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Happy New Year!

Phew! We have made it to 2022!

But how are we all doing? A little (ahem… a lot) worse for wear? Tattered around the edges? Physically tired and mentally exhausted?

What about the base level of worry we feel for the loved ones still with us? And those twinges of sadness for those whom we’ve lost?

Not to mention the world we lost…

At the start of our new year in 2022, I’m experiencing all of those things.

And yet, overriding all of that, I am vibrating with an effervescent hope. Bright enough to drown out all the negative of the past two years. Strong enough to make me fight for the goodness and generosity in my spirit. Overflowing to such a degree, I radiate it out into the world.

Yep. I can’t help it. It’s part of my optimist nature. Finding that brilliant silver lining. Seeing the good in the world. Feeling gratitude—even through great challenges and struggles.

It’s also where my love for writing romance and determination to fight hard for our happily ever afters comes from.

And so, with all that in mind…


Below, I share my New Year’s Resolutions, News from the Bastion Writing Desk, and my opinion with The Death Knell of Social Media (from an optimist’s perspective, of course… 😉


New Year’s Resolutions

How far should we go to redefine ourselves? All the way, in my opinion.

You see, I’ve never been great on making or keeping New Year’s Resolutions.

But I’ve also never needed a transformation more than I need one right now, going into 2022.

Because I’m standing at a precipice of my health. Like… a do-or-die in a very literal sense precipice.

Which forces me to make a big life-altering choice. I can gift myself a real chance to survive and flourish. Or I can do nothing, and tumble further into the dark abyss of deteriorating health.

What do you think optimist me is going to do?

A little background-reveal on my health…

What I’ve never shared publicly before—what my optimistic nature railed at even voicing—is that I suffer from chronic illness. Looking back, I’ve suffered from the effects of this illness all my life. Originally induced when I was a young child, from the stress of emotional abuse delivered by a narcissistic parent.

As you might guess, to save myself, I’ve had to cut that parent completely out of my life.

Stone marvels that I’m an optimist coming from that kind of abusive environment.

I believe my optimism bursts forth from a romantic spirit that simply cannot be smothered. That I survived in spite of my toxic parent. And gained an inner strength because of the experience.

However, due to decades of abuse, and my internal struggle and systems of dealing with that kind of ongoing stress, I’ve developed severe health issues: hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, and mast cell activation syndrome. And with those underlying issues, I’ve suffered from a long list of strange and debilitating autoimmune symptoms, including brain fog, not being able to sit upright (heartbreaking for a writer), and an abnormal adrenal response to any kind of stress, even the mildest of things.

Circling back to the silver lining, my New Year’s Resolutions…

I choose saving myself. Gifting myself a real chance to survive and flourish.

Which entails two resolutions…

2022 New Year’s Resolution One:

A mindful calmness, transitioning into undisturbed tranquility

First and most important, I’m establishing a mindful focus on my health.

Mindful, in the sense that I’m going to work on increasing my awareness of how I’m feeling every moment of the day. In a downshifted way. Nice and slow. Easy and calm. Calm being the operative word. With undisturbed tranquility being my goal. I’m hoping to become so attuned to my mental and physical state of being that I become the embodiment of peace.

Sound a bit Dalai Lama-esque? Maybe.

But… it’s the exact opposite of stress.

Which, for my health, is what I am in desperate need of.

And there’s a bonus. A wonderful reward.

By achieving success with my health in Resolution One, I get to enjoy my other resolution…


2022 New Year’s Resolution Two:

Full-time writing with joy, including daily minimums, goals, and rewards

I’ve never instilled a daily writing minimum. With my health, I’ve been afraid to do so.

Deadlines never work well with someone who cannot handle stress on any level. The pressure alone, knowing I have to do something because of a commitment, even to myself, dooms the project before I even begin. I chafe at the self-imposed deadline.

And who wants to write under those conditions?


However… this one resolution, I’m treating like a gift to myself.

My reward for keeping Resolution One, a mindful calmness, is keeping Resolution Two, being able to write full-time with joy.

I’ve already charted out what’s possible. Then I had an honest conversation with myself about what’s more probable and realistic. (I may share details about my writing schedule and how I’m keeping it in a future post.)

My hybrid solution, a cozy medium between probable and possible with writing, is this…

First, a minimum of 1,000 polished, edited words per day, every single day of the week, no misses.

Second to that, I can keep writing, to hit a greater goal of 2,500 words a day. And I could do that 2,500 for the first six days in each week. And if I hit that six-day goal, then Sunday becomes a bonus/flex day to do as I please, write… or not.

For me, the 1000-word daily minimum sets the realistic floor. The second component gives me something greater to reach for.

Either is a great accomplishment for me. A steady and healthy pace. A streak to aspire toward. Two streaks, if I accomplish them both.

And look at what will happen at the end of it all. The 1,000-wor daily minimum produces six novels a year.

The greater goal? Produces twelve novels in one year.

Wow. Six to twelve published novels in one year.

Sound exciting? Sure does to me. Our best year so far produced four novels in one year.

And… therein lies the reward of keeping both of my resolutions: publishing more novels every year.

But totally doable, if I stay mindful of my health, plant my butt in the writing chair, and focus on writing with joy.

So… yeah. That’s my New Year’s Resolution Two:

A 1,000-polished-word daily minimum, with a reaching-goal of 2,500, six days a week.

For me, achieving even one of my resolutions would be a godsend. Accomplishing both? It’s a dream worth fighting for: a brand-new healthy full-time writing me in 2022.

Results of my resolutions (and possibly progress blogs along the way) to follow… So stay tuned.

News from the Bastion Writing Desk

As you can see above, this section’s header says Bastion Writing Desk, as in one desk, not two.

For any of you who didn’t catch the news this same time last year, Stone is focusing his efforts elsewhere at the moment. Which has enabled me to be able to write full time. A gift I’m incredibly grateful for.

Stone remains first reader/copywriter of everything I write. As well as being an invaluable developmental editor, whenever I need to further flesh out ideas and concepts.

In the coming years, Stone hopes to set up a small sound studio to create audio versions of all our books. Then everyone will get to hear his sexy bass voice…

But the news from the Bastion Writing Desk?

How about the amazing rewards from my achieving the above resolutions?

Six to twelve novels a year…

Plus short stories and novelettes in between. The perfect gifts for our Bastion Family Adventurers.

Novels In the Unbreakable Series:

The first two novels, which I’m diving into with joy starting tomorrow morning, are the last two novels in the Unbreakable series: Ball Breaker and Icebreaker. Wow, have those characters been knocking about in my head, bursting with attitude and passion, begging for their stories to be told.

Ball Breaker comes first, telling the story of Kendall and Jax. A delectable steamy enemies-to-lovers romance.

Then follows Icebreaker, when Chloe and Daniel finally give in to the sexual tension rising between them.

Novels In the Secretly Named Yet-to-be-revealed Series:

And… after those two final novels in the Unbreakable series?

I begin writing in an exciting small-town contemporary romance series. More teasers on that to come.


For the record, I have been listening to your wishes, my cherished readers. You loved the holiday short stories in Half-baked Holidays, but many of you wished the stories were longer, more developed.

When writing short stories or novelettes, the shortness of the format requires a compacting of events. In essence, the shorter romance highlights the coming together of the couple, their meet-cute.

But this year, I plan on at least one full Christmas novel. The first one, within our small-town romance series. After that, we shall see where the writing gods lead me…

I shall let you know. So… stay tuned.

Which is the perfect segue into the opinion piece in the blog post…

The Death Knell of Social Media

This is just my opinion (Stone’s too.) But it’s an opinion based on our personal experience and through the lens of our perspective as writers, (mostly former) social media users, and members of humanity.

Did any of you watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix?

Wow. If you have not yet watched it, it’s an eye-opening documentary of the sad state of affairs of social media, brought to you by the creators of many of the social media platforms. They are afraid for humanity. And we have been too. For many years.

Some of you remember, back when we first came on to the social-media scene in June of 2012, that we were active daily on Twitter. We formed this blog, which I posted on semi-regularly. And then we created my first personal Facebook profile and the Kat Bastion page (now the Kat & Stone Bastion page.)

I’m not sure exactly when we abandoned our daily activity there. But it coincided with the ditching of our smartphones. Not actually throwing our smartphones into a ditch. But close.

We left the social media scene, to save our mental health… and our marriage. That was sometime back around 2015, or so.

You see, we’d both become addicted. Craving that dopamine hit with each post, like, Retweet or Share.

What we didn’t know back then, and what The Social Dilemma reveals, is that the programmers within social media designed their platforms to be addictive. And they apparently have added in more and more features to make it even more addictive.

What does that have to do with writing? Or reading, for that matter?

We have a Facebook page. And we each have a Twitter account.

Regarding Facebook…

What some of you may not know, is that on Facebook pages, Facebook holds each page’s followers hostage. Each Facebook page has to pay to have its own followers see its posts. The more followers you want to see your post, the more you have to pay. The more posts and interactions you have, the more they “release” more followers to see your subsequent posts, but not ALL of them.

It’s a game. Designed to benefit Facebook by lining its pockets.

Who does it hurt? Every single Facebook user.

Because everything Facebook does is designed to get the user addicted to Facebook. So that they stay there longer, get exposed to more ads and paid posts, and add to Facebook’s coffers.

We’re sorry if you love Facebook. Maybe there’s a Facebook group you enjoy being a part of. And that’s cool. But there is a gatekeeping price to pay. The Silicon Valley folks are in on it, and many reveal their concerns in The Social Dilemma.

How are we going to help?

We do not want our readers addicted. Hell, we don’t want anyone addicted to social media.

As an act of defiance (as opposed to simply deleting our account, which we’re sorely tempted to do) we’re going to post a “The Last Facebook Post” over on Facebook, pin it to the top, and leave it up there for all to see. It’s essentially going to serve as our message of protest for holding our followers hostage. And for directing readers to the true places for staying connected with us, this blog and our Bastion Family Adventurers email group.

We’ll see if Facebook leaves our last post and account up.

Some Facebook page users (like who we’ve become), use their Facebook pages as a photo-announcement timeline of sorts. A place to learn about recent happenings of an author or a business. And that, to us, is the only worthy function of any Facebook page anymore.

A thought or two about Twitter…

Do any of you go to Twitter to regularly communicate anymore?

We aren’t sure of the value of the ever-scrolling Twitter timeline.

It’s there for a flash, and then it’s gone.

Meanwhile, we hope that no one we know is addictively scrolling the feed.

We do post an occasional Tweet. In the event someone is out there watching. And values what we have to say. And this very blog post auto-Tweets, to share that we have something new to say over here on TalkToTheShoe. We hope your seeing our Tweet is a coincidental finding, while you’re over there on a small break.

We hope all of our followers and readers have robust, healthy, and happy lives off social media.

It’s an awful catch-22 with any social media platform. While it seems like a great place to connect with other readers and fans, most (if not all) of those platforms exist to make money through planned addiction of its users.

Of course, since our exodus from Twitter and Facebook, popularity of other social media platforms has risen. Instagram and Tiktok (and further Booktok) have come to the forefront.

We took part in neither. Because we didn’t see the point of fueling yet another addictive fire, neither ours nor our readers’.

What I’d rather be doing is writing. And, once I’ve hit my writing goals? Reading.

We hope you’d rather be reading too.

And it’s our fervent wish for all of you be as healthy as possible.

With all the heat social media is taking, from documentaries like The Social Dilemma, to pressure from congress, to various users leaving to seek more balance in their lives, we wonder what the future holds for social media.

It all sounds a lot like the death knell of social media, to us.

Even with our limited perspective, we understand many social media users value their posts and connections with followers, in the book world, and other venues. Is there a way for social media users to “use” the platforms without the platforms “using” them? We certainly hope so. We figure there is already a small but mighty segment, many of whom are social influencers, who have done just that.

Do any of you have a safer or favorite place you like to connect with authors and other readers? If so, please share your positive experiences in the comments below.

Annnd… on that note…

On the heels of our social-media opinion sharing…

A huge shoutout goes to all of our social media and promotional posters, old and new. Most of whom we’ve connected with through Twitter and Facebook over the years. Some of whom we’ve made new connections with through Goodreads and NetGalley.

We plan to continue sharing ARCs through NetGalley into 2022. With NetGalley’s rapidly growing reach, and all the NetGalley influencers having their own favorite stomping grounds to share reviews, we hope to keep a network alive where all can share their love for books in the healthiest way for each individual.

Well, that’s it, for a first LONG post leading us into 2022.

I’ll be in my writing cave first thing in the morning, diving into Kendall and Jax’s romance in Ball Breaker.

If you’re curious, The Last Facebook Post will be up on our page by this weekend.

And Tuesday, we plan to give away another copy of Brand New Year, to our Bastion Family Adventurers. So if you’re not yet subscribed, now’s your chance. Sign-up below in the “How To Stay in Touch With Us” section.

We wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy 2022!

We are incredibly grateful for you and your loyal readership.

Your humble shoe and boot,

~ Kat & Stone

How to stay in touch with us?

Be sure you’re signed up for Bastion Family Adventurers.
In order to read all our latest happenings, catch our newest releases, and receive an occasional free story as our thank you, be sure you’re signed up for our email list to be a part of our Bastion Family Adventurers, if you’re not already there with us.

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© 2022 by Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion

SUMMER SERIES READING…Brand New, FREE, and Flash Sales!

Hello, fellow readers.

Needing an escape into feel-good romance?

We have a feast of summer series goodies to share…

One BRAND NEW, one FREE for the first time, and THREE FLASH SALES…


The Best of 2014 Romantic Comedy Series is back!

Binge Read with the No Weddings Series: Books 1-4!

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Why not add For Valentine’s?
Book 5 in the No Weddings series ON SALE!

“…the smutty cherry on top of the double scoop sundae of the glorious romance of Cade & Hannah.” ~ The Smutsonian

"Savor your weekend getaway..." on a banner with pink and red roses

Snuggle Up with the Steamy
For Valentine’s!

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Our latest release
The Unbreakable Series: Books 1-3 is LIVE!

Unbreakable Series Box Set 3D Cover

Snag the BRAND NEW
The Unbreakable Series: Books 1-3!

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The Unbreakable Series: Books 1-3 on Goodreads

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“One of the best romantic comedies of the year! Absolute must read!”
~ Agents of Romance

“The No Weddings Series is one of the best I have read that follows one couple. Cade and Hannah are both lovable characters, the storyline is real and entertaining, and the banter is fun and witty.”
~ Lives & Breathes Book Blog

“I loved it, and I mean REALLY loved it!”
~ Orchard Book Club

“This is an exceptional series…You find yourself fully engrossed in their world and can’t put the book down.”
~ Books -n- Kisses

“The No Weddings series has a group of such amazing characters; you can’t help but relate to them and feel the emotion in every situation they encounter. It has been a long time since a story has made me feel that way let alone an entire series!”
~ Under the Covers Book Blog

“The story of Cade & Hannah’s relationship is realistic, heart-warming, and filled with real-world connections that shook me in a way that few titles I’ve read this year have managed…I have loved every minute of the No Weddings series.”
~ That’s What I’m Talking About


“Heartrending, passionate, and captivating! Heartbreaker is a riveting page-turner that will leave you breathless with raw emotions, and the need to hold tight to the ones you love!”
~ Beneath The Covers Blog

“It has been a long time since I’ve read a love story like this. Solid from beginning to end Heartbreaker…draws its readers into the world of sacrifice and deep love. The writing is solid and flawless.”
~ Jerry’s Book Attic

“Oh wow, what an outstanding read. I didn’t just enjoy, I LOVED it! I feel for the books I read after it because after reading Rule Breaker I felt as though every book should be measured against this one.”
~ TJLovesToRead

“***5 ‘See The Beauty In The Gray’ Stars*** The reader warning was absolutely on point. I thoroughly enjoyed Lawbreaker to the nth degree. It was all kinds of sweet, smexy, funny and full of heart that had me willing jump down the rabbit hole and savor all the words that brought Ben and Shay’s unique story to vibrant HD life.”
~ Books-N-Wine

Lawbreaker brought one of my favorite songs ‘Lost Boy’ to life but flipped the script. This is my first book to read by Kat Bastion and it brought so many feels and it was more than the lovey dovey feels. I normally read more grittier, dark, crime books but this one hit home without all of that. It’s crazy, I know! … I wanna be like Shay when I grow up.”
~ Up All Night With Books Blog


Tinsel, Sand & Snow has all my favorites by Kat and Stone Bastion nicely gathered together. So perfect for me…and all the fans of the authors. Add to that, all are set around the holidays and you get a perfect little gift. A must for lovers of the genre.”
~ Closet Book Geeks

Holiday Early This Year with
Tinsel, Sand & Snow!

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Tinsel, Sand & Snow on Goodreads

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Happy Summer Series Reading! We hope you enjoy the feel-good romances.

Please stay safe and healthy out there.

Your humble shoe and boot,

~ Kat & Stone

© 2020 by Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion

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♄ FREE Stories! For a limited-time, shared only with our family.

We’re honored for you to join us: Bastion Family Adventurers

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New Year, New Decade, and our New Email Family with Exciting Gifts Ahead…

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Hello, everyone. And Happy New Year and New Decade!

Yes, we’ve seen the ongoing debate on whether or not the new decade has begun. Potayto, Potahto. We’re charging into the 20’s. And it’s an exciting new decade indeed.

Especially exciting for us. All of us.

The Wake-up Call

Now, typically, we don’t share our personal lives much in our public book world. We blogged a couple of years ago about moving to a tropical island and going minimalist.

What we didn’t share since then was the near-near-death experience Stone had one year ago next month. No need to go into the details, but suffice to say, both of us were terrified he wouldn’t wake up the following morning.

Every day since has been an amazing blessing. And has reprioritized our love for life, initiated a vow to experience the world with childlike wonder and joy each day we’re lucky enough to wake up in, and recharged our energy for creating adventuresome stories.

After the health scare, we moved back to the mainland, to beautiful Boise, Idaho. And in mid-2019 we dubbed the next twelve months our “Year of University”, although we suspect it will continue on to be every year, with us eagerly learning and growing.

Some of the Cool Learnin’

A few of the many creative things we’ve learned thus far include formatting our own books, designing our own covers and promotional materials, and creating our own original art.

Yep. Art for our book covers!

In the next couple of weeks, we’ll share with you the five book covers we’ve created for an exciting new short-story adventure series we’re revealing soon… #StayTuned

New Email Family

Part of our wake-up call, our second chance with life together, has been to elevate our current mailing list and the wonderful readership within it that supports us. So, rather than an occasional email (only as notification of preorders, sales, and new releases), we’re going to reach out a little more often. Possibly monthly, or more.

And we’re considering ourselves a part of the tribe, those who love to escape in original breathtaking journeys, delight in the heartbreak, the growth, and the journey where love prevails and the good guys always win.

To embrace our readership more fully, we’ve named our tribe… {whispers} as our banner above hinted…
the Bastion Family Adventurers!

Exciting Gifts Ahead for our Loyal Readership

As a thank you to our loyal fans, we’re going to be extending special gifts to those included in our email list. What kind of gifts?

  • Exclusive Cover Reveals: Be the first to participate in the unveiling.
  • Exclusive Preorder Alerts: Never miss an opportunity to order your copy.
  • Exclusive Bonus Gifts: series art, bonus scenes, seasonal goodies, and more!
  • And Exclusive FREE Stories! For a limited-time, shared only with our family.

Join our Bastion Family Adventurers!

If you aren’t yet a part of our mailing list, now’s the perfect time…

We’re honored for you to join us: Bastion Family Adventurers

This week, share in our first Exclusive Cover Reveal of the decade!

Next week? Be the first to hear about our surprise series and see the beautiful covers. PLUS… receive the first story in the series FREE! A full two weeks before its release!

What’s Coming in the Next Decade?

LOTS of stories.

We expect to release books in every season of every year.

Till we die.

Which hopefully won’t be for a really long time.

{stares with intense love and expectation at Stone}

For starters?

That new short-story series we mentioned contains five standalone adventures. The first book will release February 2, 2020. Then each short story after will release every two weeks.

Annnd… the next Highland Legends novel finally has a release date!
{whispers} Born of Mist and Legend is the Exclusive Cover Reveal we’re sharing with our Bastion Family Adventurers this week!

Then we’re writing the next two novels in the Unbreakable Series, the next Highland Legends novel, a standalone spinoff novel from the No Weddings series, another fun new comedy series, a young adult fantasy adventure series… and much more.

Oh, and did we mention {whispers} audio?

Pretty exciting stuff, right?

Most of all, we are grateful. So very appreciate we’re here. With you.

Thank you for all your support through the years. We look forward to many decades yet to come.

Your humble shoe and boot,

~ Kat & Stone


© 2020 by Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion

Release Day Celebration for LAWBREAKER!

It’s LAWBREAKER Release Day!

We’re bursting with excitement to finally share Ben and Shay’s sexy, romantic adventure with you.

Be sure to read to the end for details of Lawbreaker Release Celebration Giveaways!

Annnd our latest book comes with an advisory label…

Reader Warning: You’ll need to buckle up and load up on snacks and energy drinks, because this baby clocked in at 112,000 words. But the heartwarming story is filled with adventure, dry humor, quick-witted banter, a touch of mystery, and a hard-earned happily ever after. 🙂


Experience what early reviewers are raving about…
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Heartbreaker on Goodreads


Raised on the streets, Shay Morgan yearns for a real family, where love is unconditionally offered—even when trust doesn’t come easy. Before that day arrives, she trespasses and steals in order to provide for the few people who’ve gone out of their way to protect her.

Born to privilege, Ben Bishop loathes his family for the despicable things they’ve done, and not done. He vows to be different, play by the rules, do the right thing. Building a thriving nightclub with those who share his values dominates his world.

One explosive night at his bar, Loading Zone, changes everything. For both of them. Forever.

A dance of opponents commences as they thwart with suspicion, start to trust, then sidestep to protect themselves from a fatal blow. Until they soon wonder if they’ve been fighting for the same side all along.

As they begin to open their hearts, they up the stakes with a one-week pact. She shows him the power in breaking the law. He demonstrates the virtue of following it.

Then a far-reaching crime is suddenly exposed—that his family committed. And for one chance moment, Shay and Ben hold the key to right the wrong, correct the injustice. But at what cost?

Will they be able to return from the other side together? Or will their differences tear them apart?

Flirting with danger…has never been so tempting.

***LAWBREAKER is a standalone, full-length new adult romance told in dual POV. Due to mature themes and adult language, this book is for those 18 and older.***

Exclusive LAWBREAKER Excerpt:

From Ben’s point of view…

The rumble of the idling V8 engine vibrated through the truck.

Faint gasoline fumes wafted in through the cranked-down windows, then blew out just as fast on the crosswind.

But none of those distractions fazed Shay.

Her attention had fixed solely on me. “Why do you like me?”

“More than like you.”

She didn’t say anything to my clarification. Instead, those expressive green eyes searched mine. Her chest rose with a measured inhale, fell on a slower exhale.

Her slender brows twitched down for a split second. “But why?”

A million reasons came to mind.

But in that moment, one echoed with more force than the rest.

“You live loud…without saying a word. When you’re around, you drown out all the noise. When I’m with you, there is nothing else.”

Silence filled the cab.

We sat on opposite sides. Lap belts held us securely down.

But she flattened her small hand over the worn leather of the bench seat, into the space between us.

I bridged the remaining gap, spread my fingers wide, until my larger pinky touched hers, knuckle to tip.

Long seconds drifted by.

The engine rumbled.

The crosswind blew.

But we didn’t move away from our fragile connection.

We stared at each other…and saw through every defense we’d built. As we inhaled and exhaled, breaths coming faster, shallower, I got the sense that we breathed common air for the very first time.

We’d come from different worlds, but we occupied the same space in that moment. In spite of our differences. Maybe because of them.

But on her next quick breath, her brow furrowed. Her hand twitched away.

Whatever she struggled with had broken through. That spiky armor clamped back around her.

Moment over.

And yet, she still stared at me. Gaze fierce. Jaw set. “When I’m with you, I become someone else. I forget who I am. And I can’t let that happen. You make me believe I can trust again. And that terrifies me.”

I stared back at her, undaunted. “I will never let you forget who you are. Become someone else with me, someone better. Get terrified; we’ll only grow stronger.”

After a long beat, she sucked in a deep breath. Then she pursed her lips and blew it out, nice and slow.

She remained silent. Committed to nothing.

But then I felt her pinky press against mine. Tentative, at first. Then firmer, solid.

She’d spoken, in her own way. And I’d heard loud and clear: I’ll become someone better, I’ll get terrified…just as long as you don’t let me down.

I gusted out a relieved sigh. “Well, hell. No pressure there.”

She didn’t laugh. Her eyes narrowed.

I reached farther and slid my hand over hers. “I won’t let you down.”

Nothing in the world could make me blow this…even though the weight of our world rested on my shoulders.

Including lightening the mood. Now. Before she changes her mind and bolts from your truck.


Read Ben and Shay’s romance for yourself…
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© 2018 by Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion

It’s LAWBREAKER Cover Reveal Day! Featuring Fiercely Sexy @StuReardon ~ Image Provided by @Love_N_Books ~ Promotion by @InkSlingerPR

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Cover Reveal Day for LAWBREAKER has finally arrived!

We’re thrilled to join with InkSlinger PR to bring you the cover reveal of LAWBREAKER featuring the fiercely sexy sports model Stuart Reardon. Plus we have pre-order links and a charged exclusive excerpt!

LAWBREAKER releases September 17th!


Pre-order Your Copy   |   Releases 09.17.18
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Cover Designer: Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations
Image provided by: Love N. Books
Photographer: Rick Day
Model: Stuart Reardon
Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance


Raised on the streets, Shay Morgan yearns for a real family, where love is unconditionally offered—even when trust doesn’t come easy. Before that day arrives, she trespasses and steals in order to provide for the few people who’ve gone out of their way to protect her.

Born to privilege, Ben Bishop loathes his family for the despicable things they’ve done, and not done. He vows to be different, play by the rules, do the right thing. Building a thriving nightclub with those who share his values dominates his world.

One explosive night at his bar, Loading Zone, changes everything. For both of them. Forever.

A dance of opponents commences as they thwart with suspicion, start to trust, then sidestep to protect themselves from a fatal blow. Until they soon wonder if they’ve been fighting for the same side all along.

As they begin to open their hearts, they up the stakes with a one-week pact. She shows him the power in breaking the law. He demonstrates the virtue of following it.

Then a far-reaching crime is suddenly exposed—that his family committed. And for one chance moment, Shay and Ben hold the key to right the wrong, correct the injustice. But at what cost?

Will they be able to return from the other side together? Or will their differences tear them apart?

Flirting with danger…has never been so tempting.

***LAWBREAKER is a standalone, full-length new adult romance told in dual POV. Due to mature themes and adult language, this book is for those 18 and older.***

Exclusive LAWBREAKER Excerpt:

“Ben!” Some overly excited female across the room shouted the name at the exact moment it settled into my mind.

An instant wave of energy crackled through the nightclub, hotter and more alive than anything the music or dance floor pulsed out. Slight movement rippled through the vast space of the reclaimed warehouse—toward the same metal roll-up entrance door that had been haunting me all night—as heads craned to see, breasts pushed out a little farther, and bodies pressed closer, like a powerful magnet pulled them uncontrollably forward.

Even I couldn’t look away.

After the initial crowd crush, I could see his occasional nod, a brief smile. He angled deeper into the club and scanned an assessing look across the bar, starting at Cade’s end. Seconds later, his sights landed on me—and stayed there, fierce gaze locked on to mine.

My breath caught at the intensity radiating from halfway across the room.

Ben. His simple name echoed larger than life in my head.

The crowd parted as he strode through the room. He stood a good head taller than other men he passed. Broad shoulders strained his black T-shirt with every slight rolling turn as he moved. Dark hair, cut closer on the sides, curled down over one side of his forehead. Shadowy stubble covered a defined jawline as it clenched. Thick brows drew together over eyes that narrowed as he stared hard at me. He stepped through the now three-deep crush at the bar, then planted flat palms on the edge of the metal bar top in front of me.

“What are you doing back there?” he snarled, tone low, heavy with accusation.

Cade braced his arms on the bar beside me, mirroring him. “She’s a new hire.”

Ben never looked away from me. “I asked her.”

Holding his unwavering gaze, I straightened my shoulders, undaunted. “Her name is Shay. And she’s behind your bar…working. Hard.”

Dark eyes narrowed a fraction more, boring into mine. “How old are you?”


Here we go.

“Old enough.” All he needed to know.

A muscle in that clenched jaw tightened. “Not what I asked.”

“You sure about that?” Because yeah, I looked young, no matter how old I really was. But his heat-seeking-missile aggression? Totally unwarranted.

“ID.” He kept at the groundless demand.

“I’m not some underage club-bunny at the door. I’m an employee. I’ve already been hired.”

“I don’t give a shit. I’m the boss. And I want to see your ID.”

“No.” Not gonna happen. I couldn’t risk it.

He gave a slight nod, smug satisfaction in his eyes. “So, you’re not eighteen.”

“I didn’t say that.” Yet somehow, I sensed our verbal tug-of-war had dragged me across lost ground.

“Are you or aren’t you?”

“I am,” I gritted out, angry that I’d been foolish enough to want something so bad.

“Then no big deal.” He rose back to his impressive height, crossing his arms, confidence plastered on his face. “Prove it.”

Damn. My first weekend night, not even a full one, and already the life I’d earned, had fought and bled for, had begun to slip through my fingers.

Disappointment seeped heavy into my chest. What naĂŻve people got for having hope.

The inborn fight in me remained. Pride too. With every tightening breath, fury burned my lungs, for being judged without cause.

“No. You either believe me
or you don’t. I filled out my application. Gave my ID then. Got interviewed. Got hired. And I’ve proved myself over the last few days, tonight. Ask anyone here.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

But it did. My actions mattered to me. They were all my life had been based on. Everything I’d ever accomplished had been from what I had done—not who I was, what anyone thought, or what society believed.

I crossed my arms too, refusing to bend, by principle, if not more.

His expression hardened.

Commotion grew around us, two immovable blocks of granite, as thirsty patrons called out for drinks. Cade steadfastly remained beside me. While the poor lone fresh-shift guy hustled ass to fill orders.

The atmosphere grew charged between Ben and me. The sounds of the club faded to background noise as my heart thumped harder against my ribs, my pulse drummed louder in my ears.

Ben planted his hands on the bar again, staring me down as he leaned forward inch by inch. His eyes bored deep into mine, penetrating. Any other girl might’ve thought intimidating.

I didn’t twitch a muscle.

He towered over the bar, head lowered, a ferocious wolf who’d cornered an unknown threat. That shaggy dark hair spiked over darker piercing eyes. Unshorn scruff peppered an unforgiving jaw. An unhidden snarl curled his lip, baring white teeth.

No resemblance to the wholesome happy guy I’d spied on in the pictures hanging on his office wall.

Oddly, more attractive.

Most women would’ve gone weak in the knees. Some would’ve put on a layer of flirt, feigning vulnerability or exposing true fear, hoping to snag the obvious alpha in spite of the glaring warning signs. Maybe because of them.

I’d never been a bleating sheep in my life, wasn’t about to pretend with fluffy false clothing.

Wolf, too, buddy. I leaned forward, matching him inch for inch. My trim nails clicked on the bar top as I dug in, holding my ground.

Alpha all the way.


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Thank you for your support of Lawbreaker. We look forward to sharing Shay & Ben’s romantic adventure with you.

Your humble shoe and boot,

~ Kat & Stone

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© 2018 by Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion

What if… From The Other Side of the World

What if…

Such beautiful words when used in the dreamworld. They make the magical, the impossible, the reach-for-the-stars ideas seem close enough to touch.

And yet, they are. Touchable.
We just have to bridge the gap between fantasy and reality.


It’s what an author does. In our heads, characters come to vivid life, face insurmountable obstacles, and go on grand adventures…all in the creator’s world of what if.

How has what if impacted us (Kat & Stone) in our real lives?


If you haven’t heard from us in a couple of months, it’s because we’ve taken a short hiatus from writing to make a two-decade what if of ours a reality.

We moved to the other side of the world. Got on a plane with two checked bags and two carryons apiece (laptops in tow, of course) and traveled across the ocean to reside for the rest of our days on a different continent. Simplified. Free.

Want a hint of where we’ve landed?

It’s one of the handful of locales mentioned in Rule Breaker 😀

Where does that leave us on the writing front?

More Time? More Books…

A Foray into Nonfiction

One of the reasons we shucked nearly all of our material possessions and our former lives is those anchors weighed us down with time-sucks. Our new life still requires us to earn a living, but we have less living to support…and more time to do the living. A life rooted in minimalism.

The journey has been enlightening, is still ongoing, and is one we’ve begun documenting in our first upcoming nonfiction book, The Zenful Life.

Two Upcoming 2017 Romance Novels

Our greatest joy? Writing those adventuresome romance stories inspired in the land of what if.

We’re also diving back in to two of our favorite series this year. Lawbreaker is coming soon, the third standalone romance in our Unbreakable series. Shortly after that, will come the long-awaited third book in the Highland Legends series, Born of Mist and Legend.

We look forward to sharing more of our stories with you, forged from the amazing world of what if

What are your what ifs...?


© 2017 by Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion

RULE BREAKER is LIVE! And a Giveaway…


It’s release day for RULE BREAKER! We’re thrilled to finally share Mase and Leilani’s story with you.

PLUS visit our Facebook page today for a $25 Amazon Gift Card giveaway. Further details below.

Read for yourself what RULE BREAKER reviewers are buzzing about…

Rule Breaker cover

1-click your copy…
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Heartbreaker on Goodreads

Early Praise for RULE BREAKER:

“A beautifully written novel, that left me philosophical and touched my heart…that resonated with me deeply. My FAVORITE novel by the Bastions so far.”
~ Closet Geek Books

“Oh wow, what an outstanding read. I didn’t just enjoy, I LOVED it! I feel for the books I read after it because after reading Rule Breaker I felt as though every book should be measured against this one.”
~ TJLovesToRead

“I have recommended this series to everyone in my office. I can’t stop talking about it…this one will stay with me.”
~ Blagica, Goodreads early reviewer

“What a great read! Filled with powerful writing…an enchanting, romantic, steamy-hot story with amazing characters who find it in themselves to risk it all for love! I very much enjoyed this book!”
~ Craves the Angst Reviews

“This book is perfection!”
~ Coyote Ugly Swagger Book Blog

“I tend to avoid books that are set in Hawaii like the plague, it’s a little quirk of mine and has to do with the fact that I am a born and raised Hawaii girl and am a little picky with how my islands are portrayed…as I kept turning the pages my wariness faded away and I before I knew it I felt like I was home. The sights, smells, tastes and sounds were right there in front of me…”
~ Books-n-Wine


Racial Tensions Flare as Hot as the Passion in RULE BREAKER,
a Modern-day Romeo and Juliet Story

Leilani Kealoha wants to be set free. Of family expectations. Of generations of prejudice.

Chafing at rules made by the proud Hawaiian men in her family, she yearns to discover herself and hungers to explore the world. Her adventuresome heart? Longs for something even greater, deeper.

The last thing she expects is an East Coast haole surfer to hold the key to everything.

Mason Price is done walking his parents’ path. Done with social acceptance—with cold politics.

On a surfing quest to reinvent himself, Mase finds an exotic beauty standing on his towel. But it’s her feisty bargaining that catches him off guard. When he challenges her with a “Truth or Shots” drinking game, she unwittingly reveals more than she’d intended about herself
and him.

The raw truth stuns him: She’s suffered like he has, is lost like he is—keeps secrets like he does.

But will young love and shared situations be enough to conquer racial and cultural divides?

Lines in the sand
were meant to be crossed.


1-click your copy…
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CAN | Amazon AU
iBooks | B&N | Kobo

Remember to visit, like and comment on Mase’s Facebook page:
Mase on Maui for fun posts on surfing, Maui, and a chance to win a $10 gift card each week just by commenting.

RULE BREAKER Release Day $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
Be sure to visit our Facebook page today to enter:
Kat & Stone Bastion’s Facebook

Have You Joined Our Email Notification List?
Keep informed of new releases by signing up:
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One lucky subscriber wins an eBook of their choice from the backlist AND a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card with each announcement.

Thank you for giving Rule Breaker a try and for sharing the release news with your fellow readers. We hope you enjoy Mase and Leilani’s sexy and heartfelt romance as much as we have.

Your humble shoe and boot,

~ Kat & Stone


Stay in touch with us on our social media pages…
Blog * Facebook * Kat’s Twitter * Stone’s Twitter * Website

@2016 Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion

RULE BREAKER Pre-order Alert and Mase’s Facebook Page Reveal


We’re thrilled to bring you pre-order news of our exciting new adult, multicultural, surfing romance RULE BREAKER.

PLUS be sure to visit, like, and comment on Mase’s Facebook page: Mase on Maui – Stone is posting as Mase and randomly choosing one commenter each week to win a $10 gift card.

RULE BREAKER is set to release November 7, 2016!

Rule Breaker Cover

Pre-order Your Copy… $2.99 Today | Releases 11.07.16 at $4.99
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CAN | Amazon AU | iBooks
Kobo pre-order will be up soon, Nook goes live by release day.

Heartbreaker on Goodreads

Cover Designer: Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations
Image provided by: Love N. Books
Photographer: Made by MK
Model: Jase Dean
Genre: New Adult Romance / Sports Romance / Multicultural and Interracial

Racial Tensions Flare as Hot as the Passion in RULE BREAKER,
a Modern-day Romeo and Juliet Story

Leilani Kealoha wants to be set free. Of family expectations. Of generations of prejudice.

Chafing at rules made by the proud Hawaiian men in her family, she yearns to discover herself and hungers to explore the world. Her adventuresome heart? Longs for something even greater, deeper.

The last thing she expects is an East Coast haole surfer to hold the key to everything.

Mason Price is done walking his parents’ path. Done with social acceptance—with cold politics.

On a surfing quest to reinvent himself, Mase finds an exotic beauty standing on his towel. But it’s her feisty bargaining that catches him off guard. When he challenges her with a “Truth or Shots” drinking game, she unwittingly reveals more than she’d intended about herself
and him.

The raw truth stuns him: She’s suffered like he has, is lost like he is—keeps secrets like he does.

But will young love and shared situations be enough to conquer racial and cultural divides?

Lines in the sand
were meant to be crossed.

***RULE BREAKER is a standalone, full-length new adult romance told in dual POV. Due to mature themes and adult language, this book is for those 18 and older.***

RB Amazon

Remember to visit, like and comment on Mase’s Facebook page:
Mase on Maui for fun posts on surfing, Maui, and a chance to win a $10 gift card each week just by commenting.

Have You Joined Our Email Notification List?
Keep informed of new releases by signing up:
Kat & Stone Bastion’s Email Subscription

One lucky subscriber wins an eBook of their choice from our backlist AND a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card with each announcement.

Thank you for your support of Rule Breaker. We look forward to sharing Mase & Leilani’s story with you.

Your humble shoe and boot,

~ Kat & Stone

Stay in touch with us on our social media pages…
Blog * Facebook * Kat’s Twitter * Stone’s Twitter * Website

© 2016 by Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion


News from the Bastion Writing Desks… One Week!

Only One Week!

We’re excited that only seven days remain before our next release…


Releases September 26, 2016
Pre-order now…
Amazon US * B&N * iBooks * Kobo

Tinsel, Sand & Snow on Goodreads

Only Seven Weeks Until RULE BREAKER…

We look forward to sharing with you the next standalone novel in our Unbreakable series, Rule Breaker.

 RB FB Banner

Pre-order at 40% off on iBooks: Rule Breaker
Releases November 7, 2016

Heartbreaker on Goodreads

Coming This Spring…

For fans of our paranormal Highland Legends series, Born of Mist and Legend will be arriving in early 2017.

And we’re pleased to share that our current Highland Legend series books, Forged in Dreams and Magick and Bound by Wish and Mistletoe have been digitally remastered by the amazing E. M. Tippetts Book Designs…and are now on iBooks!

Digitally Remastered

Forged in Dreams and Magick
Amazon US * B&N * iBooks * Kobo

Bound by Wish and Mistletoe
Amazon US * B&N * iBooks * Kobo

Thank you for joining us on our adventures…

Your humble shoe and boot,

~ Kat & Stone


Want to receive preorder alerts for special pricing?
Keep informed of new releases by signing up:
Kat & Stone Bastion’s Email Subscription

One lucky subscriber wins an eBook of their choice from the backlist AND a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card with each preorder or new-release announcement.

Stay in touch with us on our social media pages…
Blog * Facebook * Kat’s Twitter * Stone’s Twitter * Website

© 2016 by Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion

Rule Breaker Cover Reveal with @Love_N_Books feat. @TheJaseDean

Hello, everyone.

We’re thrilled to share the beautiful cover of RULE BREAKER with you.

A huge thank you to Ellie at Love N. Books for both providing the image and helping us share it with readers today. Much gratitude also goes to Jase Dean and Made by MK for the gorgeous photo and to Sarah at Okay Creations for the stunning design.

And so…


Rule Breaker Cover

Pre-order at 40% off on iBooks: Rule Breaker
Releases November 7, 2016

Heartbreaker on Goodreads

Cover Designer: Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations
Image provided by: Love N. Books
Photographer: Made by MK
Model: Jase Dean
Genre: New Adult Romance / Sports Romance

Racial Tensions Flare as Hot as the Passion in RULE BREAKER,
a Modern-day Romeo and Juliet Story

Leilani Kealoha wants to be set free. Of family expectations. Of generations of prejudice.

Chafing at rules made by the proud Hawaiian men in her family, she yearns to discover herself and hungers to explore the world. Her adventuresome heart? Longs for something even greater, deeper.

The last thing she expects is an East Coast haole surfer to hold the key to everything.

Mason Price is done walking his parents’ path. Done with social acceptance—with cold politics.

On a surfing quest to reinvent himself, Mase finds an exotic beauty standing on his towel. But it’s her feisty bargaining that catches him off guard. When he challenges her with a “Truth or Shots” drinking game, she unwittingly reveals more than she’d intended about herself
and him.

The raw truth stuns him: She’s suffered like he has, is lost like he is—keeps secrets like he does.

But will young love and shared situations be enough to conquer racial and cultural divides?

Lines in the sand
were meant to be crossed.

***RULE BREAKER is a standalone, full-length new adult romance told in dual POV. Due to mature themes and adult language, this book is for those 18 and older.***

RB Amazon

Want a pre-order alert of Rule Breaker for special pricing?
Keep informed of new releases by signing up:
Kat & Stone Bastion’s Email Subscription

One lucky subscriber wins an eBook of their choice from the backlist AND a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card with each announcement.

Thanks, everyone. We hope you love the cover as much as we do.

We look forward to sharing Mase & Leilani’s story with you on November 7th.

Your humble shoe and boot,

~ Kat & Stone

© 2016 Kat and Stone Bastion


Stay in touch with us on our social media pages…
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